3rd Workshop 2019 topics
Session 1: Intervertebral Disc – Tissue Mechanics
Moderators: Peter-Paul Vergroesen, Grace O’Connell
- “Time Dependent Behavior of Pressure and Height of a Loaded Intervertebral Disc are Inconsistent” by Kaj Emanuel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- “Annulus Fibrosus Hydration Affects Rate-Dependent Failure Mechanics in Tension” by Grace O’Connell (Berkeley, USA)
- “On the Modeling of Human Disc Annulus Fibrosus: Elastic, Yield and Failure Responses” by Farshid Ghezelbash (Montréal, Canada)
- “In-Vitro Perspective into Micro-structural Degeneration of the Intervertebral Disc: a Biomechanical Approach” by David Rivera Tapia (Exeter, UK)
- “Collagen Fiber Bundles Disintegration during Pullout from the Endplate” by Magdalena Wojtków (Wrocław, Poland)
- “Voltage-Gated Ion Channels in Intervertebral Disc Mechanotransduction” by Philip Poillot (Limerick, Ireland)
- “Internal Deformations in Human Intervertebral Discs: a 9.4T MRI Study” by Nicolas Newell (London, UK)
Session 2: Debate on Mechanical Load – Injury/Degeneration/Pain
Moderators: Saeed Shirazi-Adl, Hendrik Schmidt
- “Opening Presentation: Low Back Pain Paradox” by Saeed Shirazi-Adl (Montréal, Canada)
- “Intervertebral Disc Degeneration from a Biomechanical Point of View: What do we need to fix?” by Peter-Paul Vergroesen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- “Spine Postures, Physical Exposure, and Back Pain: a Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews” by Daniel Belavy (Burwood, Australia)
- “Interactions between Genetics and Loading in Development of Disc Degeneration and Low Back Pain – a Review” by Jill Urban (Oxford, UK)
Session 3: Motion Segments: Load Sharing
Moderators: Babak Bazrgari, William Anderst
- “Review of Load-sharing in Intact, Transected, Degenerate and Surgically Altered Passive Human Lumbar Spines” by Marwan El-Rich (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
- “Relationship between Intervertebral Disc and Facet Joint Degeneration: a Probabilistic Finite Element Model Study” by Maxim Bashkuev (Berlin, Germany)
- “Lumbar Spinal Ligament Characteristics extracted from Stepwise Reduction Experiments allow for Precise Modeling” by Nicolas Damm (Koblenz, Germany)
- “Detailed Full-filed Analysis of the Ventral Lumbar Spine: Insights on the Biomechanical Role of the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament” by Luigi La Barbera (Montréal, Canada)
- “Effects of Lumbar Lordosis on Mechanical Response of Post-operative Lumbar Spine – Personalized Parametric Finite Element Simulations” by Mohammad Nikkhoo (Tehran, Iran)
- “Biomechanical Properties in Motion of Lumbar Spines with Degenerative Scoliosis” by Idsart Kingma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Session 4: Lumbar Spine I: Shape and Kinematics
Moderators: André Plamondon, William Marras
- “Review Article on Spine Kinematics of Quadrupeds and Bipeds” by Sandra Reitmaier (Berlin, Germany)
- “Dynamic Interactions between Lumbar Intervertebral Motion Segments during Forward Bending” by Alexander Breen (Bournemouth, UK)
- “Sex-dependent Difference in Lumbo-Pelvic Coordination for Different Lifting Tasks” by Fumin Pan (Berlin, Germany)
- “A Novel Model and Experimental Validation Demonstrate the Large Contribution of Passive Muscle to Spine Flexion Relaxation” by Stephen Brown (Guelph, Canada)
- “Calculating the Three-dimensional Vertebral Orientation from a Planar Radiograph: is it feasible?” by Fabio Galbusera (Milan, Italy)
- “Which Landmark is Best Suited to Assess the Thoracic Orientation?” by Thomas Zander (Berlin, Germany)
Session 5: Lumbar Spine II: Loads and Kinematics – Injury/Degeneration/Pain
Moderators: Navid Arjmand, Daniel Belavy
- “In-Vivo Hip and Lumbar Spine Implant Loads during Activities in Forward Bent Postures” by Philipp Damm (Berlin, Germany)
- “Bottom-up Versus Top-down L5/S1 Moment Estimation during Manual Lifting using an Ambulatory Measurement System” by Gert Faber (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- “A Prospective Study of Lumbo-pelvic Coordination in Patients with Non-chronic Low Back Pain” by Babak Bazrgari (Lexington, USA)
- “Patient-Specific Changes in Adjacent Segment Kinematics after Lumbar Decompression and Fusion” by William Anderst (Pittsburgh, USA)
- “The Impact of Curve Severity on the Pelvic Kinematic and Erector Spinae and Gluteusmedius Muscles Activity during Gait in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis” by Shirin Yazdani (Tabriz, Iran)
- “Automatic Generation of Patient-Specific FE Models of the Lumbar Spine” by Sebastiano Caprara (Zurich, Switzerland)
Session 6: Spinal Loads – In-Vivo Measurements and Modeling
Moderators: Idsart Kingma, Ameet Aiyangar
- “Effect of a Passive Exoskeleton on Mechanical Loading during Dynamic Lifting” by Axel Koopman (Heemskerk, The Netherlands)
- “Sex-Dependent Estimation of Spinal Loads during Static Manual Material Handling Activities- combined In Vivo and In Silico Analyses” by Ali Firouzabadi (Berlin, Germany)
- “Subject-specific Regression Equations to Estimate Spinal Loads in Asymmetric Static Lifting” by André Plamondon (Montréal, Canada)
- “Sensitivity of Musculoskeletal Model-based Lumbar Spinal Loading Estimates to Type of Kinematic Input and Passive Stiffness Properties” by Ameet Aiyangar (Duebendorf, Switzerland)
- “Assessment of Spine Loading via a 2 Muscle Model vs. 10 Muscle Model during One vs. Two Handed Lifting Tasks” by William Marras (Powell, USA)
- “Estimating Lumbar Passive Stiffness Behaviour from Subject-specific Finite Element Models and In Vivo 6DOF Kinematics” by Ameet Aiyangar (Duebendorf, Switzerland)
Session 7: Spinal Loads – Computational Models
Moderators: Dominika Ignasiak, Fabio Galbusera
- “A Novel Method for Prediction of Postoperative Global Sagittal Alignment based on Full-Body Musculoskeletal Modeling and Posture Optimization” by Dominika Ignasiak (San Diego, USA)
- “Predicting Intervertebral Disc Loading and Trunk Muscle Activity in Healthy Adolescents using Musculoskeletal Full-Body Models” by Stefan Schmid (Boston, USA)
- “Coupled Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Whole Body Posture, Lumbosacral Moments, Trunk Muscle Forces, and Lumbar Disc Loads during Three-dimensional Material Handling Activities” by Navid Arjmand (Tehran, Iran)
- “Influence of Seat Parameters on Computationally Predicted Spine Loading” by Xuguang Wang (Bron, France)
- “Statistical Shape Model Predicted Alignments and Musculoskeletal Simulation in Surgical Planning” by Jess Snedeker (Zurich, Switzerland)
Session 8: Trunk Stabilization and Control
Moderators: Jaap van Dieën, Christian Larivière
- “Trunk Stabilization in Patients with Low-back Pain and Healthy Controls” by Jaap van Dieën (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- “Indication of Diagnostic Criteria for Proprioception Disorders between Non-specific Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy People based on Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Parameters of Center of Pressure and Trunk Stability” by Mohamad Parnianpour (Tehran, Iran)
- “Sudden Gait Perturbations elicit Sex-specific Neuromuscular Trunk Responses in Persons with Low Back Pain” by Juliane Mueller (Trier, Germany)
- “Can Trunk Postural Control During Unstable Sitting be considered a Proxy Measure of Dynamic Lumbar Stability?” by Christian Larivière (Montréal, Canada)
- “Biomechanics of Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Spine Stiffening and Loading – A Systematic Review of In Vivo and Modeling Studies” by Navid Arjmand (Tehran, Iran)
- “Real-time Feedback to Reduce Lower Back Moment while Lifting a Box: a Proof-Of-Concept-Study” by Michiel Punt (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- “Reducing the Number of Input Variables Required to Control an Active Exoskeleton” by Ali Tabasi (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Poster Session
- “Influence of the Facet Joints on the Mechanical Behaviour of the Intervertebral Disc: the Numerical and Experimental Analysis” by Małgorzata Żak (Wrocław, Poland)
- “Beyond Preload – The Replication of Six-axis In-Vivo Load Data using a Spine Simulator” by Timothy Holsgrove (Exeter, UK)
- “Two-level Fusion Versus Topping-off Technology based on Coflex in the Treatment of Lumber Degenerative Disease: a Biomechanical Effect Comparison” by Xiang-Yao Sun (Beijing, China)
- “Sublaminar Tape as Alternative and Addition to Pedicle Screws in Spinal Surgery” by Remco Doodkorte (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
- “Effects of the Nucleus Migration during Forward Flexion on the Biomechanics of the L4-5 Functional Spinal Unit” by Marwan El-Rich (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
- “Sensitivity of Musculoskeletal Model Predictions in Neutral Standing and Forward Flexion Postures to Center of Rotation Location” by Marwan El-Rich (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
- “A new Method for Validation of an Individual Forward Dynamics Model of the Lumbar Spine” by Nicolas Damm (Koblenz, Germany)
- “Single Rigid Segment versus Multi-segmental Approach for the Analysis of the Lumbar Spine in Low Back Pain” by Enrica Papi (London, UK)
- “The Workload on One’s Low Back during Dishwashing” by Han Zhang (Shanghai, China)
- “Smart Rotational Spine Protector (RSP) for Sport and Rehabilitation” by Dietmar Rafolt (Vienna, Austria)
- “Biomechanical Evaluation of PEEK Semi-Rigid Fixation Subject to Static and Cyclic Loading” by Kinda Khalaf (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
- “Using SHARIF-HMIS Inertial Sensor for Measurement and Comparison of Kinematic Parameters in 3 Subgroups of STarT Back Screening Tool in Patients with Nonspecific Low Back Pain” by Mohamad Parnianpour (Tehran, Iran)
- “Risk for Fatigue-related Degeneration of the L5-S1 Disc among Persons with vs. without Unilateral Lower Limb Amputation” by Babak Bazrgari (Lexington, USA)