Comments of the participants about the 3rd International Workshop „Spine Loading and Deformation“
The workshop # 3 has been amazing as the previous ones! We recognized before the value of discussions and it has been indeed the most enjoyable part. One suggestion that I would like to propose is to further improve the discussion format to make the most of it truly. Often the discussions gravitated toward one talk or were simply questions to the presenters regarding their particular work, and not learning much space for more philosophical broad-context discussions. Perhaps in the future we could have additional blocks/sessions dedicated to discussing current trends in research, opinions on what is missing in our knowledge & how we should address it, etc. A format of a debate would be interesting, for example. Besides that, I only wish the workshop was longer – it is so much good for thought here, I don’t want to leave, I want more!
Congratulations on yet again fantastic event. So glad I could participate again and thank you for all “special” arrangements done to accommodate my new family situation! You’re great and please organize next workshop. Big thanks!
If posters are going to be presented a greater amount of time needs to be available to view them. Suggest that coffee breaks take place in same area as the posters.
This is a brilliant, relevant, engaging & thought provoking conference! I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to attend, present and network. It is fantastic to have the opportunity to meet so many different international groups and talk to researches who I often cite but rarely get the opportunity to talk to. Would sponsor ship from industry help in the running costs of the workshop?
Thank you so much.
Start of sessions 8:30; applied sessions not at the end but already at the binning, 2h session blocks are very long, maybe could be reduced to 10 min presentation time! THANK YOU!! Looking forward to No. 4!
Poster: very nice
More activities to attract PhD students (dedicated session, prizes). Competition on specific modelling tasks (e.g. spinal loads from inverse dynamics kinematics and multibody modelling; e.g. modelling IVD poroelastic behaviour using analytical or computational models)
One of best conferences I’ve participated. Thanks for organizing.
Better with 10-minute presentation and 5 minute-questions for each presenter, followed by 30 minute general discussion. Limit question to 30 seconds. Some questions were speeches, not questions. Excellent work by the organizers. Thank you.
It was my first time at this workshop and it offered ma an overall deep understanding of the current research topics, even in fields far from my activity. As a student, this experience has been researching how even most of the persons attending the event new experienced researchers. It could be useful to open more the event to young researchers in order to make them meet the leading scientists in the field. Moreover, it could be useful for people attending to have not only the index of authors/moderators but also of attendee. It would help meeting preparation and favor professional discussions at breaks (mainly because new researchers do not know who is who so they have to wait for the presentations to identify a person with a work) (and also not everyone is presenting). Anyway, great meeting, thank you for it, and I hope to come back next time with a presentation!
In last two workshops you put the name of participants in website. I have a suggestion to add more information in front of each name. For example: (1) Affiliations, (2) Webpage/homepage, (3) E-mail/Address. By the way, the workshop was awesome!
Ich finde der Transfer zur Praxis sollte weiter ausgebaut werden. z.B.: Modell – Workplace; ANN vs. Sensor Kin.; Biofeedback – Reduce Risk Faktors
30 minutes discussions was useful!!
Would come again!
Excellent time for discussion and interaction. Glad I was able to attend. Thank you very much.
During final discussion we should define general open questions in Biomechanics to increase progress in knowledge.
Combination of Clinical Research and Biomechanical Research advised.
Direct discussions would be nice.
Best workshop ever!! Thanks!!
I think shorter talks (10 minutes) would be best with questions after, and then more focused discussions (like the third session).
Another excellent workshop. Perhaps the provocative general discussions could be used at the stage of abstract submission.
The Virchow Guesthouse doesn’t have internet.
More clinical docs with biomechanical background.
A bit too much muscle and pain, please keep focus on spine loading.
More structure around discussion could be good.
A general suggestion could be to, at most iteration, include invited speakers from a more clinical area to help the biomechanics make the link to clinical practice and vice versa.