2nd Workshop 2017 topics

1. Intervertebral Discs
▹”Are long-term axial intervertebral disc biomechanics determined by osmosis?” by Pieter P. Vergroesen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
▹”The effect of the osmotic gradient on water content and pressure in the intervertebral disc” by Kaj S. Emanuel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
▹”Computational study of the role of fluid content and flow on the disc response in cyclic compression: On how to replicate in vivo conditions” by Petra Velísková (Berlin, Germany)
▹”Comparison of constitutive models for describing the six degree of freedom creep bahaviour of human intervertebral discs” by John J. Costi (Adelaide, Australia)
▹”Biomechanical response of intact and degenerated intervertebral discs under impact loading” by Kinda Khalaf (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
▹”Integrating collagen fiber orientations derived from diffusion weighted MRI into a finite element model of the intervertebral disc” by Marc Stadelmann (Bern, Switzerland)
2. Motion Segments: Biomechanics
▹”Effect of inter-individual disc geometry variation on load-bearing of the lumbar unit L4-L5″ by Marwan El-Rich (Edmonton, Canada)
▹”Effects of eight different spine ligament property datasets on biomechanics of an L4-L5 finite element model” by Sadegh Naserkhaki (Tehran, Iran)
▹”Load-sharing in the lumbosacral spine in neutral standing & flexed postures – A combined finite element and inverse dynamic study” by Tao Liu (Edmonton, Canada)
▹”The effect of posterior element removal on coupled motions in human and porcine thoracic and lumbar spines” by Idsart Kingma (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
▹”Dynamic stiffening of lumbar spinal specimens” by Gerd Huber (Hamburg, Germany)
▹”Spine system equivalence: A new protocol for standardized multi-axis comparison tests” by Timothy Holsgrove (Exeter, UK)
3. Lumbar Spine Kinematics
▹”How do we stand? Variations during repeated standing phases of asymptomatic subjects and low back pain patients” by Jeronimo Weerts (Berlin, Germany)
▹”Are there characteristic motion patterns in the lumbar spine during flexion?” by Thomas Zander (Berlin, Germany)
▹”Kinetic control of lumbar spine flexion-extension movement using proportional derivative (PD)
controller, feedback lineariza-tion method and their combinations” by Mohamad Parnianpour (Tehran, Iran)
▹”Model-based estimation of changes in lumbar spine kinematics with alterations in trunk neuromuscular strategy” by Babak Bazrgari (Lexington, United States)
▹”Variations in lumbar facet kinematics across segments during in vivo extension movement” by Ameet Aiyangar (Duebendorf, Switzerland)
▹”Estimation of spinal joint centers from external spinal profile and anatomical landmarks” by Agathe Nérot (Paris, France)
4. Spinal Loads – In Vivo Measurements & Modeling
▹”Subject-specific regression equations to estimate spinal loads in symmetric lifting” by Farshid Ghezelbash (Montréal, Canada)
▹”Obesity and spinal loads, a combined MR imaging and subject-specific modeling investigation” by Navid Arjmand (Tehran, Iran)
▹”Vertebral loading predictions are influenced by incorporation of CT-based measurements of trunk anatomy into subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the thoracolumbar spine” by Hossein Mokhtarzadeh (Boston, United States)
▹”Spinal loads and trunk muscles forces during level walking – A combined in vivo and in silico study on six subjects” by Rizwan Arshad (Berlin, Germany)
▹”Subject – Specific validation of a trunk musculoskeletal model in maximum voluntary exertions” by Andre Plamondon (Montréal, Canada)
▹”Estimation of in vivo inter-vertebral loading during motion using fluoroscopic and magnetic resonance image informed finite element models” by Judith Meakin (Exeter, UK)
5. Spinal Loads – Computational Models
▹”Sensitivity of intervertebral joint forces to center of rotation location and trends along its migration path” by Marco Senteler (Zurich, Switzerland)
▹”Effects of joint positioning and stiffness on spinal loads and kinematics in trunk musculoskeletal models” by Saeed Shirazi-Adl (Montréal, Canada)
▹”A combined passive and active musculoskeletal model study to estimate L4-L5 load sharing” by Navid Arjmand (Tehran, Iran)
▹”Effects of hand-held loads at various orientations, heights and magnitudes on spine biomechanics in upright posture” by Zakaria El Ouaaid (Montréal, Canada)
▹”Thoracolumbar spine loading during activities of daily living performed by the young and the elderly” by Dominika Ignasiak (Zurich, Switzerland)
▹”Effect of arm swinging on lumbar spine and hip joint forces” by Lorenza Angelini (Berlin, Germany)
6. Instrumentation
▹”Live demonstration of telemetry hip implant measurements” by Phillip Damm (Berlin, Germany)
▹”Functional in vitro testing of pedicle screw anchorage” by Werner Schmoelz (Innsbruck, Austria)
▹”An under-sized pedicle screw reaches a similar biomechanical performance as an over-sized screw after fatigue loading – an in-vitro human cadaveric study” by Jaw-Lin Wang (Taipei, Taiwan)
▹”Development and validation of a μFEA model for the investiga-tion of the pedicle-screw-bone-interface under different loading conditions” by Yan Chevalier (Munich, Germany)
▹”On the clinical relevance of international standards for preclini-cal evaluation of posterior stabilization devices” by Luigi La Barbera (Milano, Italy)
7. Neuromuscular Response
▹”Superimposed eccentric sudden trunk loading: Effect on trunk peak torque and muscle activity” by Steffen Mueller (Potsdam, Germany)
▹”Effect of high-intensity perturbations during core-specific sen-sorimotor exercises on trunk muscle activation pattern” by Juliane Mueller (Berlin, Germany)
▹”Systems identification of trunk stabilization suggest acceleration sensitivity of muscle spindle feedback” by Jaap H. van Dieën (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
▹”Muscle strength and neuromuscular control in low back pain: elite athletes vs. general population” by Maria Moreno Catalá (Berlin, Germany)
▹”Generating desired optimal trajectory of trunk for rhythmic and discrete sagittal movement by central pattern generators” by Mohamad Parnianpour (Tehran, Iran)
▹”Subject specific proprioceptive control model for spine disorders analysis” by Wafa Skalli (Paris, France)
▹”Does multifidus muscle disruption cause intervertebral discs degeneration in the lumbar spine of rat?” by Huub Maas (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
8. Spine Biomechanics
▹”Ambulatory hand force estimation during manual lifting using an inertial sensor suit and instrumented force shoes” by Gert Faber (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
▹”Estimating the L5S1 moment using a simplified ambulatory measurement setup” by Axel S. Koopman (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
▹”Mechanical demands of a lowering and lifting task on the lower back of patients with acute low back pain” by Babak Bazrgari (Lexington, United States)
▹”Faster walking speeds differentially alter spinal loads in persons with traumatic lower limb amputations” by Brad Hendershot (Bethesda, United States)
▹”The rib cage affects intervertebral disc pressures in dynamic tests of cadaveric thoracic spines” by Dennis E. Anderson (Boston, United States)
▹”The contribution of the ribcage to thoracolumbar spine biome-chanics in a sheep model: progress towards a validated compu-tational representation of ribcage biomechanics” by J Paige Little (Brisbane, Australia)

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