Comments of the participants about the 2nd International Workshop „Spine Loading and Deformation“, 18.-20.05.2017
- The 1st workshop was excellent and I expected this one to be too; however, it has exceeded my expectation! The organizers have done a fantastic job in organizing it and selecting speakers. The incorporation of the 30 minute discussion at the end of each session has been a particular enhancement that has worked well in this focused meeting. I really hope another meeting occurs in the future.
- Great job!!
- I do not say this lightly, but this is the best Biomechanics Conference I have attended, to date. The size of this conference / numbers of participants seems to be very conducive for inter-participant contact and extended conservations. While I am unable to say what would be the optimal size (bigger / smaller?) of the participation, I believe organizers should place maximum importance on maintaining this ability for participants to have the type of discussions that have happened at this workshop.
- Excellent. Organization was very good and the management of topics for each session was very good in creating good discussions.
- 15 min. presentation and the discussion forum was perfect and very good organized.
- The 30 minute discussions were incredibly useful.
- Providing the hotel and registration expenses is amazing. And really helps allow all kinds of presenters to attend easily.
- The practical demonstration was great (Hip-Implant)
- The nice familiar atmosphere is an essential part of this great workshop
- Excellent organization and program (i.e. selection of speakers, etc.).
- It was very positive that there was almost no program change – or not even a single one! There were no withdrawn or cancelled presentations, which is due to the way the authors were invited, and thanks to the organization!
- The content of the workshop was regarding to my daily occupation: I’m involved in too many different topics!
- Thanks again!
- Will come back if there is a next time!
- Amazing! Thank you for the opportunity to meet, interact with and challenge my scientific peers.
- Very happy having attended this conference. Size is great – allows for focused discussion on a topic of everyone’s interest.
- The timeframe was very tight. But it was good to begin and end with a short day. Three days are enough.
- In the future discussions or workshops on “hot” controversial topics in biomechanics would be very interesting.
- It might be good to remind speakers to short their presentation with a slide stating the purpose of their model/study and/or where they want to go in the long run with their research.
- Next workshop could contain a session on pain research in addition a session on a clinical case could be added, where different groups apply their models to answer a clinical question.
- Invite clinicians and/or industrial partners – more towards clinical applications – maybe focus more on these applications and avoid too technical discussions.
- Structured debate of controversial topics won’t be beneficial.
- Location for next time I don’t mind. I’d do a doodle poll with the participants.
- A keynote/educational talk is a good idea for next time. The special issue is not an attraction for me (or a hindrance though).
- Competition might be a good idea. One research question – different approaches.
- One session, discussion after talks format is good. Perhaps a session with clinical panel discussion, help break up the “silos”.
- Involvement of clinicians (maybe those “more sensitive” to basic research to help answer clinically relevant questions).
- The participants are heterogeneous, hence their interests may differ. The younger colleagues may appreciate tutorial typed longer lecture (i.e. med. biology, cell biomechanics etc.).
- Topics on exoskeletons.
- Suggestions: The models are presented, only models that answer a question should be discussed. No modelling problems or optimization as this is irrelevant for the wider Biomechanical community.
• Keynote: 30 minutes at the beginning of session.
• Keep 30 minute discussion at the end.
• Single session.
• Involve clinicians (Therefore, the content needs to answer questions and not answer modelling problems).
• Involve partners developing implants / regenerative strategies to solve their problems. - It was a great, interesting and familiar workshop with high-level presentations and discussions. It was many basic research presented, maybe some presentations with a more practical background (aim) make the workshop more interesting for the industry.
- Maybe it would be interesting for some people to get the presentations, too. The abstracts are sometimes not so informative.
The participants also rated the workshop directly at the end (1 is poor and 5 is excellent). Below you can see the results.